Year-End Lists

A hand-curated, browsable index
of notable year-end lists.

Washington Post: The 10 Best Books of 2021

18 November 2021

Klara and the Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro

The Washington Post: The 10 Best Books of 2021

[see also The 10 Best Books of 202450 Notable Works of Nonfiction from 202450 Notable Works of Fiction from 2024The 10 Best Books of 202350 Notable Works of Nonfiction in 202350 Notable Works of Fiction in 202350 Notable Works of Nonfiction in 202250 Notable Works of Fiction in 2022The 10 Best Books of 202250 Notable Works of Nonfiction in 202150 Notable Works of Fiction in 202110 Best Books of 202050 Notable Works of Nonfiction in 202050 Notable Works of Fiction in 2020Best Books of 201910 Best Books of 2018100 Notable Books of 201810 Best Books of 2017The 10 Best Books of 201610 Best Books of 2015The Ten Best Books of 2014Top 10 Books of 2013The 10 Best Books of 2012]